
Table 1. Total Population, Annual Increase, and Numbers and Rates of Natural Increase, Births and Deaths
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Table 2. Number of Population by Age of 0-14, 15-64, 65+ , dependency ratio, Index of aging and dependency ratio
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Table 3. Population by Sex Ratio
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Table 4. Population Aged 15 and Over by Sex and Marital Status
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Table 5. Statistics for Changes in Population Status
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Table 6. Number of Births by Live-birth Orders
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Table 7. General Fertility, Age-specific Fertility and Total Fertility Rates Per Thousand Childbearing Age Women
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Table 8. Couples of Marriages, Divorces, Crude Marriage Rate and Crude Divorce Rate
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Table 9. Median Age and Mean Age at Marriage
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Table 10. Crude Birth and Death Rates, Gross and Net Reproduction Rates and Mean Age of Monther at Childbearing
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Table 11. Number of Births by Age of Mother, Total Fertility Rate, Average Age of Mother and Average Age of First Birth
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Table 12. Number of Births by Age of Father, Total Fertility Rate of Men and Average Age of Father
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Table 13. Number of Births by Education of Mother
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Table 14. Number of Births by Education of Father
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Table 15. Number of International Migration by Sex
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Table 16. Midyear Population by Sex and 5-Year Age Group
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